Atterbury, almost
2014/07/20 11:59 - 2014/07/26 11:22 / USA Johnson county
Total distance: | 82.48 | km | Trip time: | 143:23'44 | Average speed: | 24.5 | km/h | |
Ascending altitude: | 507 | m | Elapsed time: | 3:18'30 | Total calories: | 1442 | kcal |
Split time | 00:01’08 | |
Lap time | 00:01’08 | |
Trip lap distance | 10.11 | km |
Average | Maximum | |||
Lap speed | 10.3 | km/h | 25 | km/h |
Lap heart rate | 138.5 | bpm | 163 | bpm |
Lap cadence | 50.1 | rpm | 87.5 | rpm |
Rode south thinking we could avoid the storms, but the storms turned southeast and caught us down by Camp Atterbury.
Male /
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