Brian Road Golf Cource & Bentsen Park
2015/11/15 09:03 - 11:01 / Canada Mission,TX
Total distance: | 51.18 | km | Trip time: | 1:57'32 | Average speed: | 27.4 | km/h | |
Ascending altitude: | 165 | m | Elapsed time: | 1:56'08 | Total calories: | 747 | kcal |
Split time | 00:01’08 | |
Lap time | 00:01’08 | |
Trip lap distance | 10.11 | km |
Average | Maximum | |||
Lap speed | 10.3 | km/h | 25 | km/h |
Lap heart rate | 138.5 | bpm | 163 | bpm |
Lap cadence | 50.1 | rpm | 87.5 | rpm |
Today - Mostly sunny skies this morning will become overcast during the afternoon. High 83 °F (28.3 °C). Winds ESE at 10 to 15 mph (16.1 to 24.1 kph).Solo Great ride like my new chainset 44-54/172-5
Bought this bike recently Guru Titanium Praemio Custom Front and rear Carbon Fork Reynolds Wheel & Carbon Handle with seat post really satisfied bought in Texas at McAllen in March 2014 a lot $$$$$$$$$$$ this is my new activity joint a Pavers bike club in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan Canada in April 2014 got 23 rides schedule for a total a 1000km Use Cat eyes Computer Stealth 50 Hart Monitor & Speed Cadence happy about this computer for quality and price recommended this computer
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I am retire and I just got a bike. Bike brand is a Guru Titatium Praemio 54cm with Dura Ace Cateye Stealth 50 Join a Paver rider Club in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan. This is my beginning of third years May 2016